
768 results

Disability Act

VCAT makes orders about restrictive and compulsory treatment for people with an intellectual disability when there is a chance of them harming others.

Orders - Disability Act

VCAT makes orders about restrictive and compulsory treatment for people with intellectual disabilities when there is a chance of them harming others. We make these decisions under the Disability Act 2006.

Review a decision under the Disability Act 2006

Under the Disability Act 2006 VCAT can review decisions made by the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services, the authorised program officer or the senior practitioner.

Equal opportunity

VCAT can hear and decide cases about unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, gender equality, victimisation or vilification under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 or Gender Equality Act 2020.

Unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation or vilification

If you have experienced unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation or vilification you may apply to VCAT under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 or the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001.


VCAT can grant temporary exemptions from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 in appropriate circumstances.

Revoke an exemption

If you believe your interests may be or have been affected by the granting of an exemption under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, you may apply to VCAT to have the exemption revoked.

Privacy and health records

We make decisions about the collection of your health information, review decisions by the Patient Review Panel or Chief Medical Officer and resolve complaints about information privacy when the Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection cannot. 

Review of a decision by the Patient Review Panel

We can review a Patient Review Panel decision that there is a barrier to an assisted reproductive treatment and about surrogacy arrangements. 

Review a public health order made by the Chief Medical Officer

VCAT can be asked to review a public health order made by the Chief Medical Officer.