
768 results

"I want to support a family member"

You can help someone who can no longer make decisions about money or where they live. Gary applied to VCAT to become his father’s guardian and administrator.

I need urgent repairs

If you’ve asked your landlord for repairs and they haven’t been fixed in reasonable time, you can apply to VCAT. Tom came to VCAT and got his leaking roof fixed.

I need a refund

If you didn’t get the product you paid for, there are laws to protect you. Rachel came to VCAT because she wanted to get a refund.

Compensation for native title

If you have objected under section 24MD(6B)(d) of the Native Title Act 1993 to a proposed compulsory acquisition of native title rights and interests, you may be entitled to a determination and/or compensation. 

Traditional owners and Aboriginal heritage

We hear and decide applications relating to traditional ownership.

Cultural heritage management disputes

VCAT can hear and determine a limited number of disputes under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.


See a sitemap of pages on this website.

Owners Corporation Act 2006

VCAT’s Review and Regulation List can review certain decisions made by the Business Licensing Authority under the Owners Corporation Act 2006.

Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation Act 1968

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Emergency Services Superannuation Board under the Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation Act 1968.

Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 (review)

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Victorian Pharmacy Authority under the Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010.