
768 results

Children's Services Act 1996

VCAT can review certain decisions by the Secretary to the Department of Education and Training about those who operate and participate in the operation of children's services – primarily about child care.

Co-operatives National Law Application Act 2013 (review)

VCAT can review certain limited decisions made by the Registrar of Co-operatives under Part 7.3 of the Co-operatives National Law (National Law) which applies in Victoria by the provisions of the Co-operatives National Law Application Law 2013.

Conveyancers Act 2006

VCAT can review certain decisions made under the Conveyancers Act 2006 by the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) and the Secretary of the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

Country Fire Authority Act 1958

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Country Fire Authority (CFA) under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958.

Dairy Act 2000 (review)

VCAT can review certain decisions made by Dairy Food Safety Victoria under the Dairy Act 2000.

Dangerous Goods Act 1985

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Victorian WorkCover Authority under the Dangerous Goods Act 1985, the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011, and the Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2008.

Disability Act 2006

VCAT can review certain decisions about registration as a disability service provider made by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under the Disability Act 2006.

Domestic Animals Act 1994 - businesses

VCAT can review certain decisions made by local councils or the responsible Minister about domestic animal businesses and animal registry services under the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

Domestic Animals Act 1994 - dangerous and menacing dog declarations (review)

VCAT can review local council decisions about whether a dog should be declared a menacing dog or a dangerous dog under the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

Domestic Animals Act 1994 - restricted breed dogs (review)

VCAT can review local council decisions about restricted breed dogs under the Domestic Animals Act 1994.