
768 results

Expert reports

An expert report is a written report from an expert that a party uses as evidence in a VCAT case.

Recordings and transcripts of VCAT hearings

Anyone can request an audio recording or a written transcript of a hearing.

On hearing day

Hearings are where all parties present their case, ask questions and provide evidence. VCAT makes a decision to resolve the dispute, for example by ordering one party to pay another party.

On hearing day - Guardians and administrators

Hearings for cases about guardians and administrators are not based on resolving a conflict between two opposing sides. Instead, the hearing is focused on protecting the needs of the person who has, or needs, a substitute decision-maker.

Photography, recording, mobile phones and electronic devices

It is an offence to record any part of a VCAT hearing without permission (Court Security Act 1980).

What to expect after the hearing

When the final hearing is complete, VCAT makes a decision in the case.


When VCAT makes a decision, we give an order in writing that states what must happen. Both parties must follow what the order says.

Significant decisions

If the case has attracted high levels of media attention or public interest, we may publish the decision on our website. We also share decisions that help explain how we apply the law in different situations.

Decisions and orders

VCAT makes a decision in a matter after hearing the evidence, looking at the documents provided by each party and considering how the law applies to your case.

Enforce a VCAT order

If the other party in your dispute does not follow the order that VCAT has given, you can enforce it through a court. We do not enforce a decision or order.