
768 results

Residential Tenancies Hub terms and conditions of use

Complete this agreement if you want to register to use the Residential Tenancies Hub. 

How to address your email and name your documents in planning or environment and resources disputes

Use this reference guide when emailing documents to VCAT about a planning or environment and resources dispute.  

Application by a person experiencing personal or family violence

Use this application if you are a renter (tenant), resident, or site tenant who has experienced or is experiencing personal or family violence.

Application under the Disability Act 2006

Use this form to apply under the Disability Act 2006 in the Human Rights Division.

Practice note - PNCCL1 - Civil Claims List general procedures

The general procedures in this practice note apply to all proceedings in the Civil Claims List.

Practice note – PNRST1 - Residential Tenancies List - Adjournments

This practice note regulates VCAT's procedures concerning applications for adjournments in the Residential Tenancies List

Mediators code of conduct

The code of conduct for mediators facilitating VCAT mediations.

Application for order in the Legal Practice List – Civil disputes

Use this form if you are applying to VCAT for an order about legal costs or legal services.

Application for order by the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner or Board

Use this form only if you are the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner or the Victorian Legal Services Board and applying to VCAT for an order in

Sample terms of settlement - Building and Property List

If you reach an agreement (settle) at a compulsory conference, mediation or before you are due to come to VCAT, you can use this sample terms of se