
768 results

Co-owned land and goods

We hear applications to make an order for the sale or division of co-owned land or goods under the Property Law Act 1958.

Goods and services

Apply about include faulty or poor quality products or services, repairs, refunds, returns, exchanges, breach of contract, unpaid services...

Retail and commercial leases

VCAT hears and decides cases about retail tenancies and commercial leasing disputes.

Owners corporations

Apply about unpaid owners corporation fees, owners corporation financial management and record keeping, repairs and maintenance of lots and...

Building and construction

Apply about building work disputes; to review a decision made by a warranty insurer, the Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria...

Guardians and administrators

Apply to appoint a guardian or administrator, a supportive guardian or supportive administrator, or to reassess or cancel these appointments.

Powers of attorney

Decisions on issues about enduring powers of attorney or supportive attorney appointments.

Disability Act cases

We make orders about restrictive and compulsory treatment for people with an intellectual disability when there is a chance of them harming others

Equal Opportunity

We hear and decide cases about unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation or vilification under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010

Mental health

VCAT can review decisions made by the Mental Health Tribunal under the Mental Health Act 2014.