
768 results

Medical Treatment and Advance Care Directives

If you are concerned about an advance care directive or a medical treatment decision made by either the medical treatment decision maker or the per

Privacy and health records

We make decisions about the collection of your health information, review decisions by the Patient Review Panel or Chief Medical Officer and resolv

Residential tenancies

Apply about unpaid rent; problems claiming the bond after a tenancy or residency ends; repairs, maintenance, damages or changes to the property...<

Voluntary assisted dying

In Victoria, a person in the late stages of a terminal illness can request access to medication that will end their life at a time they choose.

Sample points of defence

This documents shows an example points of defence for a case about products or services bought or sold.

Summary of proofs - renter's compensation

Use this form in support of an application by a renter (tenant) seeking compensation in a rental dispute. This includes bond refunds. 

Bond or compensation payment agreement

Use this form if you are involved in a VCAT case about bond payments or compensation and have reached agreement with the other parties on how money

Summary of proofs - bond or compensation for rent arrears in a hearing on the papers

Use this form in support of a hearing on the papers where you are the residential rental provider and you want to claim bond or compensation due to

On the papers hearing acknowledgement form - Residential tenancies

If we tell you we have scheduled to hear your case on the papers, use this form to confirm or object to this hearing format.

Practice note - PNVCAT10 - Pronunciation of names and use of preferred form of address

This practice note seeks to facilitate a process by which the pronunciation of family names, and preferred forms of address (including pronouns), c