
768 results

Why has there been a delay in hearing my residential tenancy dispute?

In the past few years, VCAT’s capacity to hear cases was heavily impacted by the challenges in the rental market, COVID-19 pandemic and changes in

How is VCAT dealing with residential tenancy disputes about bond, compensation or pet matters in the backlog?

We've created a new team who will resolve applications received before 1 October 2023.

Rental disputes about bond, compensation or pets

How we're managing residential tenancy applications that involve bond, compensation or pet issues.

As a rental provider (landlord) when do I have to send a notice to a renter (tenant)?

For some residential tenancy issues, you must send a notice (eg. notice to vacate) to the renter (tenant) before you can apply to VCAT.

What can I do if I’m facing eviction?

If you’ve been sent a copy of a notice to vacate or a copy of an application for possession by your rental provider (landlord), and you’re worried

What can I do if I have an urgent guardianship issue?

Call the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) on 1300 309 337 any time, including after hours, about getting an urgent temporary or

What can I do if I’m affected by family violence?

If you’re affected by family or personal violence and the situation is urgent, call triple zero (000).

How can I stop something or get someone to do something urgently?

Sometimes we order someone to do or stop doing something temporarily.