
768 results

How can I apply for a review?

If you’re not satisfied with the decision made in your case and you were at the hearing you can’t apply for a review and rehearing

What decisions were made in cases like mine?

You can read written decisions made in cases like yours online on the Austra

How private is information about me and my case at VCAT?

The way VCAT handles your information is based on the legal principle that justice should usually be administered in public, with principles of pri

Your privacy and access to information

How we protect your privacy, and about your rights to access a hearing, recording, transcript and case files.

How private is a case about guardians, administrators, supportive roles or powers of attorney?

All information you give us for your case is available to anyone who looks at the case file or attends the hearing, including media. 

Who can go to VCAT hearings?

VCAT hearings are usually open to the public, including the media. At VCAT mediation and compulsory conferences are held in private.

How can I see a VCAT file?

You can look at most VCAT files at our Melbourne office at 55 King Street, Melbourne if you arrange it with us.

How can I access documents for a residential tenancy case?

You can look at most VCAT files at our Melbourne office at 55 King Street, Melbourne if you arrange it with us.

How can I get a recording or transcription?

Anyone can ask for an audio recording or written transcript of the hearing. You pay a fee.

I’m mentioned in an application about guardians, administrators or powers of attorney. Can I see the file?

Everyone mentioned in an application can come to the hearing, including ‘interested persons’.