
768 results

What to do when things change

How to settle before VCAT, change or withdraw your application, change a hearing date.

Can I change the amount I'm claiming in my application?

You can change the amount of money you want to claim in some dispute types like goods and services disputes or building and construction.

What happens if we come to an agreement before attending VCAT?

You can contact the other party (or they can contact you) at any time to try to come to an agreement before the hearing.

Can I cancel my application?

If you are the applicant, you can ask for permission to withdraw your VCAT application at any time before the hearing, for example, if you change y

Can I add someone to an application?

If you believe someone is missing from the application and they have a role, you can apply to add them. This is called 'joining a party'.  

How can I get my bond back?

If you’ve been to VCAT and you have an order that says you’ll get all or part of your bond back, you need to:

About VCAT decisions and orders

Where to find VCAT decisions, when we make decisions, and what you can do once you have a VCAT order.

When do I get the final decision?

When we make a final decision on your case, we may give the order to you in writing on the same day or send it to you after the hearing. 

Who enforces the order?

VCAT makes orders to resolve a case but can’t generally enforce orders.

How can I get a certified copy of the order?

If you want to enforce a monetary order, you need a certified copy of an order.