
768 results

Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005

VCAT can review certain decisions of the Commission for Children and Young People or a sector regulator under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005.

Service Victoria Act 2018 (review)

VCAT can review decisions made by Service Victoria under the Service Victoria Act 2018 about electronic identity credentials.

View a VCAT file

When you’re not a party to a case, you can apply and pay to view most VCAT files.

Annual reports and strategic directions

Our annual reports provide an annual account of VCAT activities and our Strategic Directions 2024-27 sets out a transformation agenda over the next five years.

Our members

VCAT has almost 200 members. These are the people who hear and decide cases.

Cases about planning

Find summaries of past cases about planning disputes you may find useful.

Local Government Act 1989 and 2020

VCAT hears certain matters about the conduct of councillors, reviews certain decisions made by a Councillor Conduct Panel or the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, hears certain applications for relief from disqualification and hears reviews of disputes about the validity of local government elections.


When you come to VCAT, you may need to pay an application fee, a hearing fee, or a fee for other VCAT services.


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VCAT, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, resolves disputes and make decisions.