
768 results

Review and regulation

The Review and Regulation List has jurisdiction under a number of Acts of Parliament to review administrative decisions, conduct inquiries, accept referrals and make first instance decisions (orders in original jurisdiction).

Application for review of a decision

Under some Acts of Parliament, VCAT has the power to review – reconsider – decisions made by an original decision-maker such as a government agency, a statutory authority or other Administrative decision maker.

Help and support

Find answers to your questions about what happens at VCAT and what you need to do.


VCAT has a number of security measures to ensure the people who enter our buildings feel safe.

Koori support

If you’re Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, find out how we can help you at VCAT.

Family violence support

If you are aware of a family violence issue, tell the family violence support worker. They will work with the protected person to ensure safety at the hearing and access to justice.

About VCAT

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) resolves legal disputes and cases in Victoria.

Our commitment to you

VCAT is a low cost, accessible, efficient and independent tribunal delivering high quality dispute resolution processes, including through alternative dispute resolution.

Customer surveys

Each year we conduct a survey of our customers to measure satisfaction with our services, better understand our customers and their needs, and identify service improvements that will respond to customers' needs.
