
768 results


A guardian makes decisions about lifestyle issues for an adult who is unable to make those decisions because of their disability.


An administrator manages the financial and legal affairs of an adult who is unable to make financial or legal decisions because of their disability.

Powers of attorney

You may be able to come to VCAT to appoint a powers of attorney.

How we make decisions

Find out how VCAT makes decisions in cases about guardians and administrators.

Respond to an application - Guardians and administrators

When you get a notice from VCAT about a guardians and administrators case, find out what this means for you and what you need to do.

Join a VCAT case - Guardians and administrators

If you want to join a VCAT case about guardians or administrators, find out what your options are and what you need to do.

Owners corporation disputes

Disputes about the management and use of common property and areas within subdivided land, such as apartments or units. Formerly known as ‘body corporates’.

After you apply - Owners corporations disputes

After you’ve applied to VCAT, it’s important to understand what you need to do and what happens next.

Respond - Owners corporations disputes

Formerly known as ‘body corporates’. Disputes about the management and use of common property and areas within subdivided land, such as apartments or units.

Join a VCAT case - Owners corporation disputes

If you’re involved in an owners corporations case or want to join, find out what your options are and what you need to do.