
768 results

Application for orders - Powers of attorney

You can apply to VCAT if you are the principal, the nearest relative of the principal, an attorney or supportive attorney under the enduring power

Calculating elapsed days in failure applications

Applications for review of a failure to make a decision can only be made after a prescribed number of days has elapsed.

Application for an enforcement order - Planning

Use this form to apply for an enforcement order under section 114 or interim enforcement order under section 120 of the Planning and Environmen

Application for costs or fee reimbursement - Planning

In a VCAT case, the general rule is that each party bears its own costs.

Transfer to major cases list – Planning

If you are the permit applicant (respondent) in a case brought by an objector under section 82 or 82B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987<

Application to postpone fee payment

Use this form to ask us to postpone a fee you must pay to make an application, attend a hearing or seek an injunction.

Application for fee relief

Use this form if you want us to reduce or not charge (waive) fees for VCAT services relating to your case.

Summary of proofs - residential rental provider's claim for bond or compensation

Use this form in support of an application where you are the residential rental provider and you want to claim bond or compensation.

Guide to time limits for lodging applications in the Planning List

This guide sets out the time limits for lodging applications in the Planning List and the criteria for extension of time limits.

Application (General application) - Residential Tenancies List

You can apply to VCAT to hear a residential tenancy dispute if you are a landlord or tenant; caravan park owner or caravan park resident; a rooming