
177 results

Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 2010

VCAT can review certain decisions relating to codes of practice made by the Head of the Department of Health (referred to as the Victorian Secretary) under the Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 2010.

Planning and Environment Division reforms

Find an overview of initiatives implemented by VCAT as part of its Planning and Environment Division reforms.

Changes to being added as a party in planning permit cases

VCAT is introducing changes for cases involving planning permits that sets out how someone can be added as a party.

Fast track cases to be introduced

VCAT will introduce the Fast Track List for primarily ‘post permit’ applications with VCAT from 1 July 2022 onwards.

Revoke a disqualification order

Someone who has been disqualified indefinitely to work in a legal office has the right to apply to VCAT to have the order revoked.

Relationships Act 2008 (review)

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages under the Relationships Act 1988.

Disciplinary charges against a lawyer

Only the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner can apply to VCAT for disciplinary orders against a lawyer.

Disqualify someone who is not a lawyer

The Victorian Legal Services Board can apply to VCAT to disqualify someone who has been convicted of a serious offence, is not a fit and proper person or is otherwise unsuitable to work in a legal office.

Review a decision of the Victorian Legal Services Board

If the Victorian Legal Services Board makes a decision about you, you can apply to VCAT for a review of their decision.

Small Business Commission Act 2017

VCAT accepts referrals from the Small Business Commission for an advisory opinion.