
304 results

Summons a witness

A summons is a legal document that says someone must produce documents, or appear at VCAT on a certain date to give verbal evidence.

Fire Rescue Victoria (Firefighters Registration Board) Regulations 2022

We can review decisions of the Firefighters Registration Board about registrations.  

Non-Emergency Patient Transport and First Aid Services Act 2003

VCAT can review decisions made by the Secretary of the Department of Health about non-emergency patient transport service licences and first aid service licences

Electricity Safety Act 1998 (review)

VCAT can review certain decisions that Energy Safe Victoria or the Chairperson of Energy Safe Victoria makes, or actions taken under the Electricity Safety Act 1998.

Review of a decision on valuation of land

If you have objected to a valuation by a valuation authority and the valuation has been reviewed by the valuer or the Valuer-General, and you are still not satisfied with the valuation you may apply to VCAT to review that decision.

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Victorian WorkCover Authority under the Occupation Health and Safety Regulations 2007.

Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (review)

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Victorian Institute of Teaching, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, and decisions about school community safety orders under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958

VCAT can review certain decisions made by Fire Rescue Victoria relating to false fire alarms under the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958.

Port Management Act 1995

VCAT can review certain decisions made by Ports Victoria under the Port Management Act 1995.

Domestic Animals Act 1994 - restricted breed dogs (review)

VCAT can review local council decisions about restricted breed dogs under the Domestic Animals Act 1994.