
304 results

Business Licensing Authority Act 1998

VCAT can review certain decisions of the Business Licensing Authority under the Business Licensing Authority Act 1998.

Tourist and Heritage Railways Act 2010

VCAT can review certain decisions of the Tourist and Heritage Railway Registrar under the Tourist and Heritage Railways Act 2010.

Surveying Act 2004

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria or by a panel appointed by the Board under the Surveying Act 2004.

Zero and Low Emission Vehicle Distance-based Charge Act 2021

VCAT can review decisions by the Secretary to the Department of Transport based on an objection.

Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007

VCAT can review certain decisions of the Essential Services Commissioner about accreditation and energy efficiency certificates.

Health Services Act 1988

VCAT can review certain decisions about registered community health centres and health service establishments made by the Minister for Health or the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under the Health Services Act 1988.

Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018

VCAT can review decisions made by the Labour Hire Licensing Authority under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018.

Disability Act 2006

VCAT can review certain decisions about registration as a disability service provider made by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under the Disability Act 2006.

Radiation Act 2005

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Secretary of the Department of Health under the Radiation Act 2005.

Fundraising Act 1998

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Director of Consumer Affairs under the Fundraising Act 1998.