
35 results

Motor Car Traders Act 1986

VCAT has power to conduct a number of different proceedings under the Motor Car Traders Act 1986.

Planning and Environment Division reforms

Find an overview of initiatives implemented by VCAT as part of its Planning and Environment Division reforms.

Conveyancers Act 2006

VCAT can review certain decisions made under the Conveyancers Act 2006 by the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) and the Secretary of the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 - poppy cultivation and processing licences

Under the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981, VCAT can review some decisions of the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning made about poppy cultivation and poppy processing licences.

Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing or the Minister of Disability, Ageing and Carers under the Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010.

Private Security Act 2004

VCAT can review certain decisions made by the Chief Commissioner of Police regarding private security licensing and registration.

Practice day hearings

In a practice day hearing a VCAT member makes decisions about who can be part of the case, how the dispute should be managed and how much time it will take.

Get involved in a VCAT case – Planning disputes

If you want to get involved in a case objecting to a planning permit, find out what your options are and what you need to do.

Changes to the law about renting a home during COVID-19

Renting laws were amended by the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020. The amendments have introduced significant changes to the way that disputes are dealt with.

Apply for an enforcement order under environment and resources laws

VCAT has the power to determine an application to enforce a Forestry and Carbon Management Agreement under the Climate Change Act 2017.