Law Week 2022

13 May 2022

Law Week is an annual festival designed to make learning about the legal profession easy.

Held from 16 May to 22 May, Law Week will feature over 150 events across Victoria, including three with VCAT's involvement.

In a series of videos, we will cover how we manage cases involving rental property disputes and local planning matters. Our expert members will guide you on the law, some examples of these types of cases, how to apply, how planning matters are decided and the impacts they can have on policy, planning and your community.

You can also take a sneak peak of the new Bendigo court. Attend a 30-minute tour where, in collaboration with the Bendigo Library, we present its Koori facilities and services before it officially opens next year.


Book now to get access to these videos or secure a ticket to the Bendigo court tour.

  • Renting and VCAT: Our Residential Tenancies Division
  • Understanding planning
  • A sneak peek inside Bendigo's future court

Other events

For more events, see Law Week