Cases about planning

Find summaries of past cases you may find useful about planning. These case summaries show how the law was applied.

Cummaudo Asset Pty Ltd v Minister for Water

This decision considered an application for review under Water Act 1989 (Vic) and considers policies, guidelines and tools that may be relevant to determine if a dam is or is likely to be hazardous.

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Viva Energy Australia v Greater Geelong City Council

This decision discusses the complexity of permit application reviews where third party notice and review exemptions are in effect only for some of the permissions sought. A Supreme Court appeal of this VCAT decision was later dismissed.

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Myers v Southern Grampians Shire Council

The case is significant because it addresses: 

  • the limits of VCAT's jurisdiction in reviewing permit applications
  • the relevance of third party exemptions to what VCAT can consider.

VCAT's decision was appealed, but dismissed by the Supreme Court.

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Wegg Pty Ltd v Melton City Council

This case explores whether the characterisation of a high impact activity in an application for a statutory authorisation is different from the characterisation of a high impact activity in an approved cultural heritage management plan. The case discusses whether the difference is relevant for the purposes of section 52(3) of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic).

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Colinx Nominees Pty Ltd v Frankston City Council

This red dot decision delves into whether verandahs and balconies form part of the total floor area of a rooming house under clause 52.23 of planning schemes.

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Koneska v Greater Geelong City Council

If a planning scheme amendment to exempt a permit application from review rights is approved after the review application is lodged, should the application be dismissed as misconceived?

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Ling v Whitehorse City Council

This decision is of interest as it interprets the correct construction and meaning of Standard B21 in clause 55.04-5 – Overshadowing open space objective of the Whitehorse Planning Scheme.

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Box v Stonnington City Council

The red dot decision confirms and provides reasons for VCAT’s view that a person is not a party to the proceeding when:

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Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd v Greater Bendigo City Council

Whether a notice of decision to grant a permit issued under section 64 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic) is a statutory authorisation for the purposes of section 52 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic).

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Eddy v Yarra City Council

Whether an application for review under section 82 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic) should be dismissed or struck out as misconceived if an amendment to the relevant planning scheme is approved and planning permission is no longer required before the application for review is lodged and where no transitional provisions apply.

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